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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


All currently registered BVP system users should ensure that all contact information, recorded in the BVP system, including names and e-mail addresses, reflects the most current information. In the case of email addresses, they must include the ISP (Example: johndoe@yahoo.net) and should be checked for accuracy. All BVP correspondence, such as application period and award announcements and payment confirmations are sent electronically, via e-mail. Failure to maintain updated contact information in the BVP system could result in your jurisdiction or agency not receiving important BVP messages.

For assistance on updating your BVP contact information, please call the BVP Help Desk at 1-877-758-3787 or send an email to vests@usdoj.gov.

For immediate assistance, please call us toll-free at 1-877-758-3787. You may also reach us by email at vests@usdoj.gov

Date Created: January 8, 2020